Well of course they apologized about it when people started making a stink - what else were they gonna do? And see right there, with the whole issue in making their demos a reality, that's a dead giveaway: they created those demos in a contained environment with the sole purpose of hyping their game. I can't because I can't barelly play the game with the current graphics though lol, but if I had a kickass PC, I might. Fake demos are no excuse, I don't care too much about the downgrade, but let's not pretend it's allright to lie in the demonstrations, CDPR said of course there was no lying, they simple underestimated the effort to really make those demos reality, I don't believe it though, still, people are right to complain. Първоначално публикувано от Fenrir:Except the devs themselves apologized for the downgraded graphics. Don't think for a second that the time, resources, and money used to make W3 such a large and detailed game could've been covered merely by the sales of W1 and W2 on PC. Also, you can be sure to thank the console release of Witcher 2 for Witcher 3. Recall game development is business and economics. The reality then becomes that they need to make all that back and some profit, and what's the best way to do that? To get the game into as many hands as possible.īefore you start blaming consoles for things please stop and think. Back in the 1980s and 1990s where developers were taking risks, being creative, and were able to bounce back from a "meh" game they could'nt have even dreamed of having hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars invested in a single title. Regardless, video game development is a business and it's become a business where millions of dollars are coming into play.

A growing number of PC gamers are actually on laptops rather than desktops. Despite what places like these forums may suggest a majority of the PC gaming consumers DONT have mega-rigs that are outfitted head-to-toe with the latest and greatest CPUs, GPUs, HDDs, etc. You're also overlooking the simple fact that they're not only "downgrading" for the consoles but they're doing it for PC gamers as well. It's advertisement - pure and simple - just like all those "fake" demos we see at things like E3, Gamescom, etc where we watch it, get excited, and then when we play it we think "huh.this seemed way more cinematic and awesome in that demo/trailer/etc". People tend to forget that things like that PREVIEW build are intended to excite, hype, and most importantly SELL their product both to the future consumers and to any interested 3rd party investors. Here's my issue with people complaining about downgraded graphics and "bringing the game down to console level" and all that other horsecrap.